OK so you've typed the above search term on google, and ended up on this page.
I'm guessing because you're having trouble finding a job. I mean I can't think why else, but good for you if you have. You've come to the right place.
What i know about things that can be done to help secure employment, and trust me on this one. I know through experience. I shall begin:
1.) Ok, first things first. Get a pen, and a notepad. When you have right down a list of things you're good at. E.g: Computers, Maths, Admin, Physical work, Caring, Talking to people.
2.) Write a list, maybe a couple of pages about your earning experiences. Things you've done what you can count as previous employment or similar. You'll need this to demonstrate how you've used your skills in the past. Most importantly to build a good CV.
3.) Get the contact details for a Careers Advisor, and secondly find out where you can find a CV work shop. Look on google, ask at the job centre whatever it takes.
- Make an appointment with a careers advisor, and tell him everything you can about what you want to do for work. Visit more than once if you have to. Perhaps before you go to the CV workshop, and after.
- Go to a CV workshop, and make a CV. Go as many times as it takes, to make the best damn CV possible. Also ask for help making a draft Cover Letter.
4.) At this stage you are definately on your way. Providing you have a CV ready to e-mail, and a draft for a cover letter. If you haven't got a cover letter draft yet - have a look online, as it's important you have both. When you have :- Well now. Now you just need to apply for jobs.
5.) Start looking for work at the Job centre, online, and find out about local Job clubs. The three main places to look really. Especially attending a Job club, as not only do these places have great resources for your Job search, but also they can be very handy in getting your CV & Cover Letters looking their best.
6.) Smarten yourself up. Get yourself a suit, a hair cut, a make over, or whatever you can done to get yourself ready for an interview.
7.) Apply for any jobs you can find, which: a.) You think you can do, and b.) You have no trouble getting to everyday. Apply for enough, and the job interviews should soon follow.
8.) Above are the basic fundamentals you can do to find a job, and if you persist for long enough you will get a job. Just don't give up. There will always be something that has to give. There are only so many people that can say no before somebody says yes. Otherwise there is also a lot of other things you can do - to if not anything else - make you a more attractive subject. Below are just some of these ideas that you can do!
- Apply for work experience. Think about some of the companies you'd like to work for. Get to your local job centre to write to them explaining your situation, and to see if they'll take you on for a week or two's work experience. Do this to help yourself get a better idea about your career direction.
- Apply for voluntary work. Even if it's only a couple days a week. This will show any potential employers you aren't lazy, and is also a great way to get character references.
- Apply for Agency work. Sign up to as many as possible, and use the work to get references. Ask both the agency, and people at the companies they send you to.
- Go back to college. Even if it's just to improve your Numeracy, Literacy, and I.T.
- Put your suit on. Print out a load of CV's, and start knocking on some doors. Go to places like Industrial Estates, and Town Centres. Also keep a notepad handy, to take things like phone numbers, and e-mail addresses.
9.) Finally two things. Don't be lazy, and don't give up. It's a cruel world, but only so many people are cruel. Make as much as an impression as you can. Act professional, and don't let any knock backs get you down.
10.) Nothing else. The best of luck to you,
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